About the job
Recruitment Information
Recruitment Number 208148 - Hilo, Hawaii Employment Only - $3,249 (SR-18); $3,511 (SR-20) and $3,798 (SR-22) per month
Duties Summary
Level II: Assist higher level Research Statisticians on assigned research projects or conducts research studies according to defined objectives and methods; and perform other related duties as assigned.
Level III: Conduct research studies through the application of research and statistical methods in a subject matter specialty; and perform other related duties as assigned.
Level IV: Conduct specialized research studies through the application of research and statistical methods in a subject matter specialty; and perform other related duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualification Requirements
Applicants must meet all the requirements for the position they are seeking as of the date of the application, unless otherwise specified. Please note that unless specifically indicated, the required education and experience may not be gained concurrently. Your possession of the required amount of experience will not in itself be accepted as proof of qualification for the position. Overall paid or unpaid experience must be of such scope and responsibility as to conclusively demonstrate that you have the ability to perform the duties of the position. Note: Your calculation of experience must be based on full-time, 40-hour work weeks. Part-time experience must be pro-rated. Example: Twelve months of experience at 20 hours/week is equivalent to six months of experience, not one year. Also, hours worked in excess of 40 hours/week will not be credited. Example: Twelve months of experience at 60 hours/week is equivalent to one year of experience, not one and a half years.
To qualify, you must meet all of the following requirements:
Education: Applicants must meet the requirements in A, B or C below:
A bachelor's degree from an accredited four year college or university which included 3 semester hours in statistics and 15 additional semester hours in an appropriate field, e.g., the physical or biological sciences, agriculture, medicine, education or engineering; or in the social sciences including demography, history, economics, social welfare, geography, international relations, social or cultural anthropology, sociology, political science, public administration, business administration, psychology, etc. ORFour years of progressively responsible experience in administrative, professional, investigative, technical or other responsible work which demonstrated that the applicant is able to assimilate and analyze data to arrive at sound solutions to problems and which includes evidence of professional statistical work. ORCourses as given in A above, plus additional appropriate experience as described in B or education which when combined with these courses, will total four years of education and experience and give the applicant a technical knowledge comparable to that which would have been acquired through successful completion of a full four-year course.
The experience described in paragraph B above should include evidence of professional statistical work such as 1) sampling; 2) collecting, computing, and analyzing statistical data; 3) applying statistical methods to data collection or processing, or in the establishment and operation of data collection systems; 4) applying known statistical techniques to data such as measurement of central tendency, dispersion, skewness, sampling error, simple and multiple correlation, analysis of variance and tests of significance.
Specialized Experience
Level II: Six months of research statistical survey work which included applying accepted statistical methods and procedures in the editing of schedules and tables for errors, bias, or inconsistencies; exercising discretion and judgment in making the necessary adjustments in accordance with program objectives; or assisting in the preparation of questionnaires and tabulation plans pertaining to projects of broad scope.
Level III: One and one-half years of research statistical survey work which included applying statistical theory and method in planning surveys and developing questionnaires, planning tabulations, preparing cost studies or planning editing procedures related to statistical projects of some scope and moderate complexity.
Level IV: Two and one-half years of research statistical survey work which included applying statistical theory and method to the planning, establishment and operation of comprehensive data collection systems, including all phases of collection, editing, processing, and publishing of complex and extensive statistical data. The capacity to plan and coordinate statistical survey activities of considerable difficulty, breadth and complexity is required.
Non-Qualifying Experience: Work in the processing of numerical or quantified information by other than statistical methods is not considered appropriate qualifying experience. Examples of such non-qualifying work include statistical clerical work; statistical drafting; work requiring the calculation of totals, averages, percentages or other arithmetic summations; work involving the preparation of simple tables or charts; work requiring the verification of data by simple comparison or proofreading.
Substitutions Allowed: Successful completion of graduate study at an accredited college or university which included at least one graduate course in research methods and techniques or in advanced statistics may be substituted for experience to the extent indicated below:
Each full year (30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours) of graduate study in an appropriate field, as described in the Education Requirement, for one year of Specialized Experience.The completion of all requirements for the Ph.D. degree in statistics or in any of the appropriate subject-matter field, including the thesis, may be substituted for all of the Specialized Experience required for Research Statistician II, III and IV.
License: A driver's license is required for all positions.
Revised: 10-1-08
Other Information
The examination for this recruitment will be conducted on an unassembled basis where the examination score is based on an evaluation and rating of your education and experience. It is therefore important that your employment application provide a clear and detailed description of the duties and responsibilities of each position you held.
CLICK HERE for further information about Equal Employment Opportunity, the Merit Civil Service System, Citizenship and other requirements, Reasonable Accommodation, Veterans Preference, Examination Requirements, and the Internal Complaint and Merit Appeals Board Processes.
Your Job Benefits With The State Of Hawai'i
The State of Hawaii offers its employees who are members of the civil service a range of benefits. Some benefits are offered as a result of collective bargaining agreements and changes may occur.
A summary of these benefits, which is based on full-time employment, is listed below.
Note: Benefits for NON-CIVIL SERVICE appointments will be provided by the hiring department at the time of interview.
With Civil Service modernization, effective July 1, 2002, employees appointed to temporary positions may also gain membership in the civil service upon satisfactory completion of an initial probation period of at least six months. As a temporary member of the civil service, you will be eligible to apply for promotion and transfer opportunities to permanent as well as other temporary positions. You may also enjoy other rights and benefits afforded to members of the civil service, with the exception of return rights and placement rights associated with a reduction-in-force of a permanent member of the civil service.
Paid Holidays
You may be eligible for 13 paid holidays each year; 14 holidays during an election year.
Paid Vacation
You may earn vacation leave at a rate that other employers find tough to match – 21 days each full year from the FIRST year of employment. This compares to an average of 10 days offered by private companies. You may accumulate up to a total of 90 days (720 hours) of vacation.
Paid Sick Leave
You may earn sick leave at the same rate as vacation – 21 days per year from the FIRST year, and there is no limit on the amount you can accumulate. Expectant mothers may also use sick leave for pre-natal or post-natal check-ups or any illness related to pregnancy. Plus, unused accumulated sick leave may eventually be used to increase your retirement benefits in certain situations.
Other Leaves
Reasonable time off with pay may be provided for jury or witness duty, a death in the family, some military duty, and donation to the Blood Bank. Leave sharing donations may be granted to eligible employees who have serious personal illnesses or injuries or need to care for a seriously ill or injured family member. Various leaves without pay may also be granted with full re-employment rights.
Health Insurance
The State pays a part of the premiums for each employee's enrollment in a State sponsored Medical, Drug, Vision, and Dental Plan. For more information, visit the Employer Union Trust Fund website www.eutf.hawaii.gov for coverage and options.
Group Life Insurance
The State provides a free life insurance policy for employees.
Retirement Plan
The State contributes to a retirement plan for eligible employees. Generally, employees under the Hybrid Plan with 10 years of credited service and who have reached 65 years of age or have 30 years of credited service and have reached 60 years of age may retire and receive benefits. To find out more about the options you have, go to http://ers.ehawaii.gov.
Premium Conversion Plan
Participating employees may increase their take-home pay by having the State deduct the cost of health care premiums before payroll taxes are withheld.
Flexible Spending Accounts
Eligible employees can reduce their federal and state income taxes and social security taxes through a tax-savings benefit program called Island Flex. This program allows employees to set aside money from their paychecks to pay for out-of-pocket health care expenses and eligible dependent care expenses on a BEFORE-TAX basis.
Transportation Benefits
Participating employees may increase their take-home pay by having the State deduct qualified transportation expenses (i.e. eligible parking fees, monthly bus passes for TheBus, fare coupons for The Handi-Van, Vanpool Hawaii participation fee, etc.) through pre-tax payroll deductions.
Deferred Compensation
The State offers employees a voluntary pre-tax retirement savings plan designed to give employees a tax break today and an opportunity to build a retirement nest egg through voluntary payroll deductions. Several types of investment options are available.
Temporary Disability Insurance
Qualified employees may be eligible to receive benefits for a disability caused by a non-work related injury or illness under this program.
Social Security
As an employer, the State also contributes to an employee's social security account.
Promotions & Transfers
For employees with membership in the civil service, the State offers promotion and transfer opportunities throughout the State Executive Branch.
Training & Continuing Education
The State supports developmental activities related to an employee's work. In many departments there are numerous in-service training opportunities available. Sabbatical leaves with pay are available for qualified employees.
Travel Expenses
The State may pay for certain business related travel expenses including mileage reimbursement for use of a personal car during work, airfare, meals and lodging expenses for trips to neighbor islands or out of state.
Incentive & Service Awards
The State has a program that recognizes employees for their years of service and provides cash awards for their superior accomplishments and other contributions that improve State operations.
Union & Collective Bargaining
Employees have the right to join the union for collective bargaining with the State and employee representation. Some employee unions provide discounts, insurance and other opportunities. Employees may also decide not to join a union, however, employees are required to pay union service fees unless the employee's job is excluded from collective bargaining.
The above information is solely intended as a summary of the benefits available to State of Hawaii employees and is subject to change. Whether or not you are entitled to a particular benefit will depend on your specific appointment and employment status (included, excluded, exempt, non-exempt). Please refer to the appropriate collective bargaining agreement or executive order and all applicable laws, rules, policies, or plan documents for further details. Nothing herein shall be deemed as creating an employment contract, promise of employment, promise of continued employment, or obligation of any kind on the part of the State of Hawaii.
CLICK HERE for more information on the State of Hawaii's Benefits At-A-Glance.
The State of Hawaii is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Revised 01/13
Required Supplemental Questions
Your responses to the following Supplemental Questions will be reviewed in conjunction with your electronic or paper application to assess whether you meet the recruitment conditions and minimum qualification requirements. Therefore, it is essential that your responses to these questions provide complete, detailed, and conclusive information. Insufficient information may result in your being found ineligible. Your electronic or hard copy resume is NOT to be submitted IN PLACE OF responding to these questions. All paper documents to be considered as part of this application must be submitted within 5 working days of the application, and properly identified with your full name, appropriate job title, and recruitment number.
EDUCATION VERIFICATION: In general, proof of education obtained from and/or submitted through the internet will not be accepted. Education obtained outside the United States must be comparable to education earned at an accredited school in the United States. We also reserve the right to request further information about your academic program, evidence of comparability, or an original transcript. I have read the above and understand that the information requested by the following questions is needed for assessing my qualifications, and that my failure to provide sufficient, detailed information and/or sufficient verification may result in my being found ineligible. I understand any information I provide may be verified.
I have read, understand, and agree with the above statement.
The list of eligible candidates from this recruitment (208148) will be used to fill Research Statistician jobs on the island of Hawaii at levels II, III and IV. Your qualifications will be evaluated to determine the highest level for which you qualify. Indicate below the level(s) for which you are interested in being considered:
Research Statistician IIResearch Statistician IIIResearch Statistician IV
Do you possess a current, valid driver's license? If yes, submit a legible copy as verification, and be sure that the job title and recruitment number are clearly indicated.
Do you possess a bachelor's or higher degree and/or coursework as specified on the job posting? If yes, you must submit appropriate documentation for verification (i.e. copy of official transcripts, diploma, etc.) identified with your full name, job title, and recruitment number.
Identify the employers from whom you acquired experience relevant to Research Statistician jobs and provide the following information SEPARATELY for EACH change in employer and/or change in position.
Name of employer and dates of employment (from month/year to month/year).Briefly summarize this employer -- Was it government-affiliated or a privately owned company? What was the company's primary mission or what products or services did it provide and to whom (primary clientele)?Was there a separate research department or designated position whose primary purpose was to conduct surveys, assess effectiveness via statistical analysis, etc.?Indicate in which department your position was based, and briefly state your position's PRIMARY function. (You will be asked to detail your experience in the following question.)
DETAIL your research and statistical experience for each employer identified in the preceding question, SEPARATELY for EACH change in employer and/or change in position. Using the questions below as a guide, detail your experience, if any, in each of the following areas.
Sampling, collecting, computing, and analyzing statistical data, including such information as the kinds of data you collected, for what purpose, the methods or procedures used, and the kinds of computations or statistical methods you typically ran.Application of statistical techniques and measures -- What types of statistical techniques did you most frequently use? Did you use pre-programmed statistical software or did you apply these techniques manually? Please describe.Describe the statistical projects you typically worked on, showing the scope and complexity of the research (i.e. content - simple? moderately complex? complex? etc.; extent of involvement - planned? designed? coordinated? collected data? analyzed? presented data? published findings? etc.).Scope of responsibility and authority -- With respect to your research and/or statistical duties, how did your responsibilities and authority differ from those of your supervisor? Who made decisions regarding the purpose and scope of the project, statistical methods to be used, adjustments or corrections to be made, etc.? What, if any, were your supervisory duties?What was the average number of hours per week that you spent performing such research or statistical work vs. other duties?
Supporting documents such as transcripts, driver’s license, or professional licensure as described in the job posting must be on file with the Department of Human Resources Development (HRD) to complete your application. Note: You must re-submit supporting documents to HRD if they were submitted:
to the City & County of Honolulu;to the Hawaii State Judiciary;to the Hawaii Department of Education;to HRD prior to July 2006.
Please Select From One Of The Statements Below
Supporting documents are attached.Supporting documents were previously submitted to the State of Hawaii, Department of Human Resources Development.Supporting documents are forthcoming and will be mailed to: Department of Human Resources Development, 235 S. Beretania Street, Room 1100, Honolulu, HI 96813.Required Question